Volume 52, 2011, Supplement

Marilyn Francus, “The Authoress in Winter”
Review of Devoney Looser, Women Writers and Old Age in Great Britain, 1750–1850 (Johns Hopkins, 2008)

Tonya Howe, “Taking the Coquette Seriously”
Review of Shelley King and Yaël Schlick (eds), Refiguring the Coquette: Essays on Culture and Coquetry (Bucknell, 2008)

Edward Jacobs, “Shrinking Historicism”
Review of Dale Townshend The Orders of Gothic: Foucault, Lacan, and the Subject of Gothic Writing 1764–1820 (AMS, 2007)

Phebe Jensen, “Oral Culture and Religious Identity”
Review of Alison Shell, Oral Culture and Catholicism in Early Modern England (Cambridge, 2007)

Bridget Keegan, “What Do Servants Want?”
Review of Kristina Straub, Domestic Affairs: Intimacy, Eroticism, and Violence Between Servants and Masters in Eighteenth-Century Britain (Johns Hopkins, 2009)

Donna Landry, “Green and Peasant Land?”
Review of Bridget Keegan, British Labouring-Class Nature Poetry, 1730–1837 (Palgrave, 2008) and Anne Milne, “Lactilla Tends her Fav’rite Cow”: Ecocritical Readings of Animals and Women in Eighteenth-Century British Labouring-Class Women’s Poetry (Bucknell, 2008)

John Patrick Montaño, “A Variety of Viewpoints: Charles II and the Cavalier Parliament”
Review of Annabel Patterson, The Long Parliament of Charles II (Yale, 2008)

Daniel O’Quinn, “The Structural Transformation of Domiciliary Entertainment”
Review of Gillian Russell, Women, Sociability and Theatre in Georgian London (Cambridge, 2007)

Alaina Pincus, “Situating Freethinking in the Early Enlightenment”
Review of Sarah Ellenzweig, The Fringes of Belief: English Literature, Ancient Heresy, and the Politics of Freethinking, 1660–1760 (Stanford, 2008)

Jerry B. Vannatta, M.D., “Anesthesia and Literature: Breathing ‘the Vapour of Ether'”
Review of Stephanie J. Snow, Blessed Days of Anaesthesia: How Anaesthetics Changed the World (Oxford, 2008)

The Editors would like to thank the following Editorial Assistants for this volume: Jordan Burr, Dane Howard, Deirdre Mikolajcik, Elaina Newton, Missi Rasmussen, Rachel Rumpf, Nathan Wall, Mandy White, and William Wright.