Aldridge, A. Owen, “The Case for Edmund Burke,” 36:83-90.
—–, “John Oswald and the French Revolution,” 31:181-186.
Altieri, Charles, “Iconoclasm, Possession, and Contradiction,” 32:89-96.
Anderson, Misty G., “Rehearsing the Eighteenth Century: The (Re)Production of Professional Knowledge,” 35:86-95.
Backscheider, Paula R., “‘Endless Aversion Rooted in the Soul’: Divorce in the 1690-1730 Theater,” 37:99-135.
Bailey, Anne Hall, “How Much for Just the Muse?: Alexander Pope’s Dunciad, Book IV and the Literary Market,” 36:24-37.
Barney, Richard A., “Re-Veiling Paradigms: Education, Psychoanalysis, and the Disciplining of Eighteenth-Century Culture,” 37:174-183.
Bates, David, “Between Error and Enlightenment: Condorcet and the Political Decision,” 36:55-74.
Benedict, Barbara M., “Consumptive Communities: Commodifying Nature in Spa Society,” 36:203-219.
Bensaude-Vincent, Bernadette, “The Balance: Between Chemistry and Politics,” 33:217-237.
Birnbaum, Michele, “The Politics of Whiteness in Early American Literature,” 37:94-96.
Boardman, Michael, “Inchbald’s a Simple Story: an Anti-Ideological Reading,” 37:271-284.
Boime, Albert, “The Cultural Politics of the Art Academy,” 35:203-222.
Bolton, Betsy, “Farce, Romance, Empire: Elizabeth Inchbald and Colonial Discourse,” 39:3-24.
Bonfiglio, Thomas Paul, “Private Reason(s) and Public Spheres: Sexuality and Enlightenment in Kant,” 38:171-190.
Boone, Troy, “Narrating the Apparition: Glanvill, Defoe, and the Rise of Gothic Fiction,” 35:173-189.
Brunt, Peter, “Savagery and the Sublime: Two Paintings By William Hodges Based on an Encounter With Maori in Dusky Bay New Zealand,” 38:266-286.
Butler, Gerald J., “Making Fielding’s Novels Speak for Law and Order,” 37:232-243.
Caldwell, Roy C., “Tristram Shandy, Bachelor Machine,” 34:103-114.
Caldwell, Tanya, “Amendments to the Magna Charta: Genre and Dryden’s Aeneis,” 39:44-62.
Campbell, Jill, “‘I Am No Giant’: Horace Walpole, Heterosexual Incest, and Love among Men,” 39:238-260.
Canfield, J. Douglas, “Tradition Versus Theory: Defenders of the Faith,” 33:90-96.
—–, “Mothers as Other: the Eruption of Feminine Desire in Some Late Restoration Incest Plays,” 39:209-219.
Carson, James P., “Commodification and the Figure of the Castrato in Smollett’s Humphry Clinker,” 33:24-46.
Caywood, Cynthia L., “Examining the Eighteenth-Century Body,” 33:272-279.
Chibka, Robert L., “Taking ‘The Serious’ Seriously: The Introductory Chapters of Tom Jones,” 31:23-46.
Clark, Michael, “‘Like Images Made Black with the Lightning’: Discourse and the Body in Colonial Witchcraft,” 34:199-220.
Cole, Lucinda, “‘The Contradictions of Community’: Elegy or Manifesto?” 36:195-202.
—–, “Distinguishing Friendships: Pope’s Epistle to a Lady In/And Literary History,” 34:169-192.
Coltharp, Duane, “Rivall Fopps, Rambling Rakes, Wild Women: Homosocial Desire and Courtly Crisis in Rochester’s Poetry,” 38:23-42.
Davis, Leith, “‘Origins of the Specious’: James Macpherson’s Ossian and the Forging of the British Empire,” 34:132-150.
Davis, Lennard J.,”The Fact of Events and the Event of Facts: New World Explorers and the Early Novel,” 32:240-255.
Dear, Jennie, “Nobodies and Somebodies in Eighteenth-Century Women’s Writing,” 37:184-190.
Dharwadker, Aparna, “Nation, Race, and the Ideology of Commerce in Defoe,” 39:63-84.
Dobie, Madeleine, “The Subject of Writing: Language, Epistemology, and Identity in The Lettres D ‘Une Peruvienne,” 38:99-117.
Dykstal, Timothy, “The Politics of Taste in the Spectator,” 35:46-63.
Epstein, William H., “Assumed Identities: Gray’s Correspondence and the “Intelligence Communities” of Eighteenth-Century Studies,” 32:274-288.
Fabricant, Carole, “The Battle of the Ancients and (Post) Moderns: Rethinking Swift Through Contemporary Perspectives,” 32:256-273.
Ferguson, Moira, “British Women Writers and an Emerging Abolitionist Discourse,” 33:3-23.
Fielding, Penny, “Writing at the North: Rhetoric and Dialect in Eighteenth-Century Scotland,” 39:25-43.
Fixer, Irene, “Signing as Republican Daughters: The Letters of Eliza Southgate and The Coquette,” 34:243-263.
Flores, Stephan P., “Orrery’s The Generall and Henry the Fifth: Sexual Politics and the Desire for Friendship,” 37:56-74.
Flynn, Carol Houlihan, “Closing down the Theater; and Other Critical Abuses,” 37:244-256.
Fourny, Diane R., “The Festival at the Water Hole: Rousseau, Freud, and Derrida on Incest,” 31:137-160.
Fowler, J. E., “Competing Causalities: Family and Convent in Diderot’s La Religieuse,” 37:75-93.
Frank, Marcie, “Staging Criticism, Staging Milton: John Dryden’s The State of Innocence,” 34:45-64.
Gardiner, Ellen, “The Value of Community,” 36:283-285.
Garrard, Graeme, “Agency and Understanding in the French Revolution,” 33:280-286.
Gelineau, David, “Allusion, Legitimacy, and Succession: Milton’s Hands Suit Ill with Dryden’s Voice,” 35:28-45.
Gill, Pat, “Pathetic Passions: Incestuous Desire in Plays by Otway and Lee,” 39:192-208.
Glausser, Wayne, “Atomistic Simulacra in the Enlightenment and in Blake’s Post-Enlightenment,” 32:73-88.
Golinski, Jan, “The Chemical Revolution and the Politics of Language,” 33:238-251.
Gordon, Scott Paul, “Voyeuristic Dreams: Mr. Spectator and the Power of Spectacle,” 36:3-23.
Greenfield, Susan C., “Veiled Desire: Mother-Daughter Love and Sexual Imagery In Ann Radcliffe’s The Italian,” 33:73-89.
Griffin, Dustin, “Interpretation and Power: Swift’s Tale of a Tub,” 34:151-168.
Guerrini, Anita, “The Pathological Environment,” 31:173-179.
Haggerty, George E., “Satire and Sentiment in The Vicar of Wakefield,” 32:25-38.
—–, “A Friend, a Fop, and a Feminist: the Failure of Community in Burney,” 36:248-265.
Haggerty, George E., “Amelia’s Nose; Or, Sensibility and its Symptoms,” 36:139-156.
Hammond, Brean S., “Corinna’s Dream,” 36:99-118.
Hayes, Julie C., “Plagiarism and Legitimation in Eighteenth-century France,” 34:115-131.
Hellegers, Desiree, “Tracking Probabilities: Gassendi and the Culture of Contingency in England,” 35:78-85.
Hinnant, Charles H., “Feminism and Femininity: a Reconsideration of Anne Finch’s ‘Ardelia’s Answer to Ephelia,’” 33:119-132.
Hollis, Karen, “Eliza Haywood and the Gender of Print,” 38:43-62.
Hudson, Nicholas, “‘Open’” and ‘Enclosed’ Readings of Rasselas,”31:47-66.
Hundert, E. J., “Sexual Politics and the Allegory of Identity in Montesquieu’s Persian Letters,” 31:101-116.
Hunter, J. Paul, “Form as Meaning: Pope and the Ideology of the Couplet,” 37:257-270.
Hynes, Peter, “From Richardson to Voltaire: Nanine and the Novelization of Comedy,” 31:117-136.
Jenkins, Hugh, “Crusoe’s Country House(s),” 38:118-133.
Joyce, Simon, “The Picaresque Proletariat and the Excarceral Criminal Subject,” 36:75-82.
King, Kathryn R., “The Unaccountable Wife and Other Tales of Female Desire in Jane Barker’s A Patch-work Screen for the Ladies,” 35:155-172.
Kloesel, Lynn F., “The Play of Desire: Vulcan’s Net and Other Stories Of Passion in All for Love,” 31:227-244.
Kramnick, Jonathan Brody, “‘Unwilling to Be Short, or Plain / In Any Thing Concerning Gain’: Bernard Mandeville and the Dialectic of Charity,” 33:148-176.
Kroll, Richard, “Renovating Restoration Hermeneutics,” 31:169-172.
Kugler, Michael, “Provincial Intellectuals: Identity, Patriotism, and Enlightened Peripheries,” 37:156-173.
Labio, Catherine, “The Aesthetics of Adam Smith’s Labor Theory of Value,” 38:134-150.
Lamb, Jonathan, “Eye-witnessing in the South Seas,” 38:201-212.
Landry, Donna, “The Traffic in Women Poets,” 32:180.
Le Coat, Annette, “Allegories Literary, Scientific, and Imperial: Representation of the Other in Writings on Egypt by Volney and Savary,” 38:3-22.
Lee, Joy Kyunghae, “The Commodification of Virtue: Chastity and the Virginal Body in Richardson’s Clarissa,” 36:38-54.
Lewis, Jayne Elizabeth, “Swift’s Aesop/Bentley’s Aesop: The Modern Body and the Figures of Antiquity,” 32:99-118.
Lockwood, Thomas, “Fielding in the Theatre,” 31:263-270.
Loscocco, Paula, “Can’t Live Without ‘Em: Walter Shandy and the Woman Within,” 32:166-179.
Lowenthal, Cynthia, “Portraits and Spectators in the Late Restoration Playhouse: Delariviere Manley’s Royal Mischief,” 35:119-134.
Lowenthal, Cynthia, “Dangerous Refinement; Or, the Demise of Theory,” 31:271-279.
Luft, Sandra, “Derrida, Vico, Genesis, and the Originary Power of Language,” 34:65-84.
Markley, Robert, “Robert Boyle in and out of His Time,” 35:280-286.
Maxwell, Anne, “Fallen Queens and Phantom Diadems: Cook’s Voyages and England’s Social Order,” 38:247-258.
McEvoy, John, “The Chemical Revolution in Context,” 33:198-216.
McGuirk, Carol, “Burns, Bakhtin, and the Opposition of Poetic and Novelistic Discourse,” 32:58-72.
Miles, Robert, “The Gothic Aesthetic: The Gothic as Discourse,” 32:39-57.
Mirzoeff, Nicholas, “‘Seducing Our Eyes’: Gender, Jurisprudence, and Visuality in Watteau,” 35:135-154.
Moore, Benjamin, “Governing Discourses: Problems of Narrative Authority in A Journal of the Plague Year,” 33:133-147.
Neill, Anna, “Crusoe’s Farther Adventures: Discovery, Trade, and the Law of Nations,” 38:213-230.
Newman, Jane O., “‘Academic Tootsie’: Women’s Voices, Gender, and Textual Ventriloquism in the German Language Academies,” 35:241-260.
Nickel, Terri, “‘Ingenious Torment’: Incest, Family, and the Structure of Community in the Work of Sarah Fielding,” 36:234-247.
Noggle, James, “Skepticism and the Sublime Advent of Modernity in the 1742 Dunciad,” 37:22-41.
Orr, Bridget, ‘Introduction to ‘The Pacific Eighteenth Century,’” 38:195-200.
Palmeri, Frank, “The Satiric Footnotes of Swift and Gibbon,” 31:245-262.
Payne, Deborah C., “Pope and the War Against Coquettes; Or, Feminism and The Rape of the Lock Reconsidered–Yet Again,” 32:3-24.
Perry, Ruth, “Incest as the Meaning of the Gothic Novel,” 39:261.
Peterfreund, Stuart, “Logotomy, or Sawing the Language in Half,” 31:67-80.
Peterfreund, Stuart, “Saving the Phenomenon or Saving the Hexameron?: Mosaic Self-Presentation in Newtonian Optics,” 32:139-165.
Pettit, Alexander, “Culture and Evidence: Recent Work on Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Theater,” 38:79-87.
Phiddian, Robert, “A Name for Mock-Epic: Pope, Bakhtin, and Stylization,” 37:136-155.
Pollak, Ellen, “Guarding the Succession of the (E)state: Guardian-Ward Incest and the Dangers of Representation in Delarivier Manley’s The New Atalantis,” 39:220-237.
Price, Leah, “Vies Privees et Scandaleuses: Marie-Antoinette and the Public Eye,” 33:176-192.
Reed, Joel, “Introduction to ‘Special Issue: Academic Cultures,’” 35:195-202.
Richards, Cynthia, “‘The Pleasures of Complicity’: Sympathetic Identification and the Female Reader in Early Eighteenth-Century Women’s Amatory Fiction,” 36:220-233.
Richetti, John, “Reply to David Righter: Ideology and Literary Form in Fielding’s Tom Jones,” 37:205-217.
—–, “Class Struggle Without Class: Novelists and Magistrates,” 32:203-218.
Richter, David, “Ideology and Form Revisited,” 37:285-286.
—–, “The Closing of Masterpiece Theater: Henry Fielding and the Valorization of Incoherence,” 37:195-204.
Richter, Simon, “On the Threshold: G. S. Rousseau and the Discourses of Then and Now,” 34:85-95.
Roach, Joseph R., “The Theatre of Gender,” 35:190-192.
Roberts, Lissa, “Condillac, Lavoisier, and the Instrumentalization of Science,” 33:252-271.
—–, “Introduction to ‘The Chemical Revolution: Context and Practices,’” 33:195-197.
Rogers, Shef, “Composing Conscience: The Injured Islanders (1779) and English Sensibility,” 38:259-265.
Rosbottom, Ronald C., “A Blurred Voice,” 31:161-168.
Rosenthal, Laura J., “‘Counterfeit Scrubbado’: Women Actors in the Restoration,” 34:3-23.
Rothman, David J., “Hudibras and Menippean Satire,”34:23-44.
Rothstein, Eric, “A Novel Path to Pentonville,” 31:81-90.
Samson, John, “Introduction to ‘Recontextualizing Eighteenth-Century American Narrative,’” 34:195-198.
Scanlan, J. T., “The End of the Battle of the Books,” 38:88-96.
Scheick, William J., “Logonomic Conflict in Hanson’s Captivity Narrative and Ashbridge’s Autobiography,” 37:3-21.
Severance, Mary, “An Unerring Rule: The Reformation of the Father in Frances Burney’s Evelina,” 36:119-138.
Sheriff, Mary D., “Woman? Hermaphrodite? History Painter? On the Self-Imaging of Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun,” 35:3-27.
Shuffelton, Frank, “Endangered History: Character and Narrative in Early American Historical Writing,” 34:221-242.
Smith, Johanna M., “Philanthropic Community in Millenium Hall and the York Ladies Committee,” 36:266-282.
Snider, Alvin, “Bacon, Legitimation, and the ‘Origin’ of Restoration Science,” 32:119-138.
Spacks, Patricia Meyer, “Reply to David Richter: Form and Ideology: Novels at Work,” 37:218-231.
Stefanovska, Malina, “Strolling Through the Galleries, Hiding in a Cabinet: Clio at the French Absolutist Court,” 35:261-279.
Stephanson, Raymond, “‘Epicoene Friendship’: Understanding Male Friendship in the Early Eighteenth Century, with Some Speculations about Pope,” 38:151-170.
Stewart, Maaja A., “Inexhaustible Generosity: The Fictions of Eighteenth-Century British Imperialism in Richard Cumberland’s the West Indian,” 37:42-55.
Stillman, Robert E., “Assessing the Revolution: Ideology, Language, and Rhetoric in the New Philosophy of Early Modern England,” 35:99-118.
Straub, Kristina, “Men from Boys: Cibber, Pope, and the Schoolboy,” 32:219-239.
Sudan, Rajani, “Lost in Lexicography: Legitimating Cultural Identity in Johnson’s Preface to The Dictionary,” 39:127-146.
Sutcliffe, Adam, “Myth, Origins, Identity: Voltaire, the Jews and the Enlightenment Notion of Toleration,” 39:107-126.
Szilagyi, Stephen, “The Primacy of Pope’s ‘Ode on Solitude’ in a Genealogy of His Discursive Self,” 38:63-78.
Thomas, Downing A., “Misicology and Hieroglyphics: Questions of Representation in Diderot,” 35:64-77.
Thompson, James, “Introduction: What’s Left of the Left?,” 32:195-202.
—–, “Dryden’s Conquest of Granada and the Dutch Wars,” 31:211-226.
Thompson, Helen, “Evelina’s Two Publics,” 39:147-168.
Tobin, Beth Fowkes, “Conserving Patriarchy,” 36:91-96.
Tooley, Brenda, “‘Like a False Renegade’: the Ends and Means of Feminist Apologetics in A Dialogue Concerning Women and An Essay in Defence of the Female Sex,” 36:157-177.
Tribby, Jay, “Florence: Cultural Capital of Cultural Capital,” 35:223-240.
Troyansky, David G., “Commemorating, Remembering, and Historicizing Revolution: Post-Bicentennial Tendencies in French Revolutionary History,” 39:169-178.
Turner, Steven, “Enlightenment Topographies: Scotland, Switzerland, the South Seas,” 38:231-246.
Weber, Harold, “‘Drudging in Fair Aurelia’s Womb’: Constructing Homosexual Economies in Rochester’s Poetry,” 33:99-118.
Weed, David Milo,”Seductive Criticis,” 36:189-192.
Weinsheimer, Joel, “Shaftesbury in Our Time: the Politics of Wit and Humor,” 36:178-188.
Wildermuth, Mark E., “‘And Anarchy Without Confusion Know’: The Dynamics of Chaos in Pope’s An Essay on Man,” 39:85
Williams, Daniel E., “Specious Spy: the Narrative Lives–and Lies–of Mr. John Howe,” 34:264-286.
Wilson, Michael S., “Columbine’s Picturesque Passage: the Demise of Dramatic Action in the Evolution of Sublime Spectacle on the London Stage,” 31:191-210.
Zerilli, Linda M. G., “Text/Woman as Spectacle: Edmund Burke’s ‘French Revolution,’” 33:47-72.
Zionkowski, Linda, “Territorial Disputes in the Republic of Letters: Canon Formation and the Literary Profession,” 31:3-22.