Table of Contents
Jane Austen and Her Contemporaries
Devoney Looser, “Introduction: Jane Austen and Her Contemporaries.”
Cheryl A. Wilson, “‘Something like mine’: Catherine Hutton, Jane Austen, and Feminist Recovery Work.”
Erin M. Goss, “Homespun Gossip: Jane West, Jane Austen, and the Task of Literary Criticism.”
Toby R. Benis, “The Neighborhoods of Northanger Abbey.”
Danielle Spratt, “Denaturalizing Lady Bountiful: Speaking the Silence of Poverty in Mary Brunton’s Discipline and Jane Austen’s Emma.”
Olivera Jokic, “The Odds and the Ends: What to Do With Some Letters of Catharine Macaulay.”
Laura E. Thomason, “The Dilemma of Friendship in Jane Austen’s Emma.”
Misty Kreuger, “From Marginalia to Juvenilia: Jane Austen’s Vindication of the Stuarts.”
Jodi L. Wyett, “Female Quixotism Refashioned: Northanger Abbey, the Engaged Reader, and the Woman Writer.”