Table of Contents
The Drift of Fiction: Reconsidering the Eighteenth-Century Novel
Julie Park, “Introduction: The Drift of Fiction.”
April Alliston, “Female Quixotism and the Novel: Character and Plausibility, Honesty and Fidelity.”
Jonathan Lamb, “‘Lay Aside My Character’: The Personate Novel and Beyond.”
Novel Media
Christina Lupton, “Giving Power to the Medium: Recovering the 1750s.”
Jayne Elizabeth Lewis, “The Air of Tom Jones; or, What Rose from the Novel.”
Believing the Unreal
Mary Helen McMurran, “Realism and the Unreal in The Female American.”
Scott Black, “Reading the Mistakes in Heliodorus.”
Reconsidering the Social Real
George Boulukos, “The Secret History of the Rise of the Novel: The Novel and the Middle Class in English Studies.”
Liso O’Connell, “Vicars and Squires: Religion and the Rise of the English Marriage Plot.”
Apart: Lives, Things, and Words
Jody Greene, “Captain Singleton: An Epic of Mitsein?”
Mark Blackwell, “Disjecta Membra: Smollett and the Novel in Pieces.”
Lynn Festa, “Crusoe’s Island of Misfit Things.”