Issue 59.2, Summer 2018

Special Issue: Other Enlightenments: Spain, from the Atlantic to the Pacific

Guest Editor Ruth Hill

Table of Contents

Ruth Hill, “Imperialism and Empiricism in the Spanish Monarquia“.

Chi-ming Yang, “Silver, Blackness, and Fugitive Value, “from China to Peru””.

Sarah Campbell, “”A King, not foreign”: The Creation of a Spanish Heritage for the Bourbon Kings”.

Patricia Saldarriaga, “Globus cruciger: Spheres and Empires in the Hispanic Enlightenment”.

Margaret R. Ewalt, “Convergent Knowledge Production in the Spanish Empire: Jose Eusebio Llano Zapata’s Memorias historico, fisicasĀ (1757)”.

Matthew James Crawford, “A Cure for Empire?: Chinchona Bark and the Politics of Knowledge in the Eighteenth-Century Spanish Empire”.

Naoki Sakai, “The Modern Regime of Translation and the Emergence of the Nation”.

Ralph Bauer, “The Crucible of the Tropics: Alexander von Humboldt’s Hermeneutics of Discovery”.